Monday, July 29, 2013

CHAIN OF FOOLS sends in the clowns (in a good way!)

Noted author, performer and speaker Trav S.D. is passionate about screen comedy. His love comes across in spades in his most recent book, the thoroughly researched and entertaining "CHAIN OF FOOLS: Silent Comedy and Its Legacies, from Nickelodeons to YouTube."

CHAIN OF FOOLS tracks American slapstick film comedy from its origins in Greco-Roman comic mime and French sex farce through Vaudeville and early masters like D.W. Griffith and Max Sennett to modern comedians Jim Carrey and Steve Carell.

Trav SD's wit and flair keep this scholarly work readable. Fascinating tidbits abound. For instance, “I believe not nearly enough has been made of the influence of Sennett’s theatrical experience in his later cinematic oeuvre. Sennett claims to have made his stage debut as the ass end of a horse, and I refuse to make the world a sadder place by trying to debunk this tale.”

If you’re a film historian, amateur or professional, make your world happier and give CHAIN OF FOOLS a place on your bookshelf.

CHAIN OF FOOLS is published by Bear Manor Media. It's available in softcover and ebook online through BearManor, Amazon and Barnes & Noble.


  1. Modern television has left much to be desired in comparison to the older generation of television. This is reminiscent of those more innocent and humorous days...How one longs for yesterdays gone by. Thanks for sharing this sister Jan. :)Look forward to more posts on your blog.

  2. Thank you for your comments, Soldier Andrew. I hope you continue to enjoy the blog.
